Friday, February 17, 2006

Sestriere, Italy
Photo by Marina Knight

Here is a shot of Sestriere, the heart of the mountain competitions at the Winter Games. The peak to the right is Sestriere Colle, where the giant slalom and slalom will be held for men and women. To the left is Sestriere Borgata, host to the men's downhill and super g courses.
The garish orange tower in the center and buildings below it make up the athlete village, and way over to the left - the speck of blue - is the press center where I am sitting right now!


Blogger Marina Knight said...

Sestriere is a funny place. It was built as a resort community and posh ski site by the director of the car company Fiat, based in Torino.
It is for sure a mountain village, but recent construction has taken much of the authenticity found in Cesana or Bardonecchia away.

6:21 AM  

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